Thursday, August 5, 2010


Life can and does bring unexpected waves crashing on our plans. My mom was preparing to return to the mission field. This time to serve in Ireland. She had previously worked several years in Thailand and a term in England. However, there were giant hurdles to jump for her next assignment. Praying God would direct her path, each hurdle was overcome almost effortless. It appeared God was opening the way to Ireland.

After a long trip visiting friends and family, my mom experienced stabbing pain in her right hip. She had been so healthy, now this difficulty. Was God putting up a roadblock? Several trips to the chiropractor did not help. Off to the orthopaedic doctor she went suffering badly. The x-rays revealed the disc was compressing her spinal chord. No traveling for this patient.

Plans were not "place on hold", but cancel. Collision at this juncture, we began reworking the new plan. God does not make mistakes and we are still trusting Him for His plans.